I feel the same good buzz I felt last year while substituting in North Vancouver. I had forgot how much I enjoyed TOC-ing! I am booked at Nonsuch for the next week as well, so they must like me too.
Tomorrow night, I am going for drinks with some of the Jervoice teachers - the good ones. It should be very interesting to hear the gossip of what's been happening this week. Leaks of information hint that the parent and kids were unhappy of my "leaving," that another teacher (assistant Head, no less!) has taken a job elsewhere, and that moral is so low that many teachers may not be there after Easter!
And with Ofsted (government school auditing body) to visit any day now, the school looks in bad shape. Depending how the Ofsted assessment goes, the school could potentially close - worst case scenario...
Anyway, with my newfound flexible job, I am planning to do more traveling - Greece at Easter, Ireland for St. Patrick's Day, and Spain in August...
SMP's pantomime Robin Hood and the Singing Nun is in Hell Week now, and opens next week! Break a leg, Guys! Please go and see them - it will be a fantastic show!

This is my t-shirt logo design in stitches! Looks funny/cool!
Well it's good to hear that things are improving.
I'm having a very low morale day myself. Not sure if it's the weather (very over cast) or a hangover (went out on the town last night, but NZ beer is really weak sadly...) or my fellow Canadians (kinda princessy and "too cool" for the likes of me)...
Hoping something picks up soon, and we get some kiwi residences moving into this place. I after all came to meet locals, not displaced Caunacks!
Talk to you soon
Hey Pete
So glad to know that life's not looking as mundane this week.... I hope it continues on a more positive trend! How long can you TOC for, or how long would you MIND TOCing?? I guess that it's got both pros and cons... Must be nice to remember that there are some happier teaching positions out there! I guess it'll be interesting to hear the reports of gossip that trickle in over the next little while.... Sounds like it would be good if that Headmaster was "removed".... Anyhow, hope things continue on a more positive trend.... And hey, on the bright side, at least you're only a hop, jump, and skip away from the rest of Europe... How NICE!!!
Love ya
Hey, you say you like Razorlight? They're in Munich tomorrow... guess who's going to the concert! :))
robin hood and the flying nun was really funny. peter.
you should come over here and see it too!
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