Thursday, November 16, 2006

Smallville cameos

I have now found myself in two episodes of the fifth season of Smallville ('Thirst' and 'Exposed'). In both episodes I play the same man, Mr. Guy the Carrier of Paper, a worker in the basement of the Daily Planet. You will notice how I have taken the important role and varied it by having my jacket OFF in the first episode, and ON in the second. True acting.

See for yourself:

Here I am bumping into Chloe, on her first day as a reporter at the Daily Planet. And I did actually bump into her. See the eye contact?

A nice shot of the Daily Planet set. You can see me in front of Chloe again, this time bringing papers to the filling cabinets at the right.

Here in the second episode, Chloe and Lois Lane are too busy with their computer to notice me walking past. Notice the paper I am transporting. It is very important paper.

Now I am walking up to Chloe and Lois as they talk with a detective. Check out the same paper I am carrying. Here I am...

...And there I go. Right past Chloe and Lois. The more observant of you will notice that, besides the important green papers, I am also carrying a copy of the Daily Planet newspaper.

So there you have it. My other 15 minutes of fame. And it turns out that skilled acting is all about the props. A very good prop is paper.

As for my life here, I am good. I have been painting and playing a borrowed trumpet! Pictures to follow soon.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I always knew that someday I'd be related to a famous person... well done!! Have you made your first million yet? Did I mention you're my favorite step brother? Oh, and newspaper carrier? :)
So what secrets were in that Important Paper you were taking such good care of?

Anonymous said...


As someone who now works in a newsroom I have to say the daily planet is a very stressful place to work by the looks of it. Your in the basement, and it's that crazy...

Don't want to picture the actual newsroom. Ours is pretty claim. The most crazy I've ever seen it was one of the camera teams ran in with some overdue photoage... and that commotion lasted for about 2 min.

Granted you are holding the papers so...