Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Origin Day!

Today marks the 150th anniversary of Charles Darwin publishing his masterpiece The Origin of Species

One of these days, I'll have to actually finish reading the whole thing through...

(left) The triptych painting of The Evolution of Darwin: Boy, Traveler, Thinker I painted for this year's Darwin Day Celebration.

... I leave you with a picture (below) I took of the man back in 2006 at the London Natural History Museum, before he was moved.

Darwin and Huxley having lunch with their adoring public!
This was before they moved Darwin to the top of the steps in the Main Hall, replacing Richard Owens.
I wonder where Owens ended up?


Anonymous said...

Happy Origin Day to you too! :)

Dinorider d'Andoandor said...

so... Huxley ended up being left alone!