Monday, April 05, 2010

New Portfolio and Updates!

In keeping with the blog redesign and the online transition of Bond: Unprofessional Doodler (just fooling around) to Bond: Amateur Artist (on the track towards professionalism), I have created a new professional-looking portfolio!  Click here to check it out!

The portfolio is hosted (free!) through deviantArt, and I am quite pleased with the results.  Having had an account with dA for a few years, I found it very easy to organize and transfer images.  If anyone is interested, my deviantArt profile is here.

Art Update:
I am currently working on a few things:
  • a coral reef painting - a large piece to hang above the fireplace, full of colourful coral, fish, and invertebrates!  I have had this image in my head since scuba diving in the Philippines, of slowly drifting towards the edge of a reef and peering down the wall into the dark depths...  The painting is still in the initial stages; the reef has been sketched and the background ocean blue has been painted.  Stay tuned for updates, as I am quite excited about this one...
  • an ichthyosaur piece for ART Evolved - one month until the very exciting Ichthyosaur Gallery, and I haven't even started a piece yet.  My plan is to sketch simple outlines and then digitally colour it using the same photoshop technique I used on the spinosaur.  I just need to decide on a subject - which genera of ichthyosaur?!  Perhaps I will get inspired before the AE liveblogging session in a few days!  Remember, you too can join in the liveblogging!
  • a playbill poster for Players 99 - Back in 1999, the acting group I belong to (SMP Dramatic Society) put on a cabaret show, and the SMP producers have asked me to create a poster for the archives.  I preformed Monty Python's Bookshop Sketch and sang a Cherry Poppin' Daddies swing dancing song, while a couple swang danced. Uh, swung danced?  Danced swingingly???
 Anyway, have a Happy Easter!  I hope you all had loads of chocolate.  Mmmmm, chocolate....

1 comment:

BlacknickSculpture said...

I'm a member of deviantART though I haven't been over there much. I popped over this morning to check out your page and say hi Peter. Nice looking gallery of work you have :)