It is quite hard to see on the pic (you can enlarge any of my pics for more details!), but I have added a bit of a background. Think I'm going to go with a skewed horizon, hopefully giving a frantic feel to the piece. Not sure it is working at all. Perhaps it is just killing the "circular" flow Glendon mentioned in a previous comment... Thought?
It's raining in Vancouver, and it might soon be raining in the Jurassic... Time to put paint to paper.
Music I am listening to right now:
She's Not There by Santana,
Acting Like a Fool by Matt Costa.
You could close the compositional circle by arcing the river a bit, which would also work nicely in perspective. The tail looks 'forced' to stay on page right now. Why not just let it go off and come back on?
yes, I agree with David about that tail stuff... besides that tiny detail, I like the way you're depicting them so far!!
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