Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Art Prehistoria #1: Megalosaur

Art Prehistoria - a new feature on my blog where I detail the process behind creating piece of art, from sketch to signature. The prehistoric theme is by no means meant to be restrictive but inspiring. I also just love to draw dinosaurs!

Our first piece of art is a life reconstruction of a generic megalosaur for The Tyrannosaur Chronicles blog's post on New Zealand dinosaur fossils:

First, I sketch a few different thumbnail sketches until I am satisfied with a pose. Using the skeleton and anatomical reference pictures, I decided on a menacing walking pose with its mouth open. This initial pencil sketch was changed and tweaked quite a bit before I was happy with it...

Next, I outlined the pencil sketch in black pen ink. This is the final (happier-looking) pose.

I had decided that this New Zealand Dino project would be created in watercolour. Here, I apply a base coat of watercolour paint over the body. The black ink begins to run with the water...

Then, I add more detail in fine watercolour lines and the black pen is used to smooth out the seeping ink...

A Megalosaur by Peter Bond

Finally, I add the third fingers, small details, a shadow and a signature, and we are done the first piece of Art Prehistoria. I am quite pleased and taken with the little theropod! Artistic and scientific feedback and suggestions are much, much appreciated!

More from the New Zealand Collection soon - including a sauropod and a raptor...
Check out Prehistoric Insanity Production's blog for this and more palaeoart from PI's team!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome work!! As for anatomic accuracy, Go to Traum on that one. Also, you don't need any artistic criticism. Heck, I'm the one who should be asking you for that kind of feedback.