Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tokyo Tomorrow
Finishing the month teaching, doing Halloween stuff, seeing Steve's mom off, and preparing for my trip to Tokyo tomorrow - so much to do! Need to buy new jeans (stupid hole!), pick-up some yen, and pack before walking up tomorrow and catching the bus to Incheon Airport (curiously rated one of the best airports in the world.)
Anyway, I'm off to pack - Tokyo is calling! Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
I'm getting a little excited here...

Oh yeah, and we are all dressed as zombies. We expect over 40 people to join our dead-shuffle, creating an unforgetable impression on the local Korean population! (My Korean friends, by the way, think this is the most insane and crazy thing to do - as it goes against the social norms of not standing out. Do I expect the police to show up? Maybe. Will we be on the news? Maybe...hehehe) Again, photos will come soon!
Besides the z-walk, I am also looking forward to my planned trip to Tokyo the weekend after next. My good friend Taka says I can stay with him in Yokohama and I'll take the train in to see Tokyo. I am also planning to meet another friend Naoko (someone I worked with at the Lookout.)

Yup, there's alot on my plate, and I like it like that.
Oh, and readers, what is a "quantum of solace" anyway?Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Please Vote
Please take away the sentiment from the video. You don't have to register to vote in Canada, just go to the polling station. If I can vote from Korea, you can vote from Canada.
Please vote.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Let me know what you are thankful for...
Monday, October 06, 2008
Minmi and Thoughts on Palaeoart

The Final Result:
So I looked. Below is a selection of other artist's reproductions of Minmi I found using Google Image Search:

Not to be confused with our cute little ankylosaur:

As you can see, there is a huge variety in Minmi's shape, musculature, armour, spikes, and colour. So much so that each picture looks like a different animal! This is strange as about 95% of the skeleton has been found. Some artists chose to represent Minmi more like a stegosaur while others chose an ankylosaur-like style. I chose more of a nodosaur-like shape for my painting. But the question is: which one is correct?
So long, and one more Min-mi for the road!

Sunday, October 05, 2008
Are You a Cheater?
Have you ever thought, "Man, I want to cheat, but I don't want to feel guilty?" We don't want to feel guilty, do we?
Well, now we don't have to! Welcome to CheatNeutral - a new initiative where you pay money when YOU cheat and the company will pay others to NOT cheat! Thus keeping the total amout of pain and suffering at ZERO!
No longer will you have to feel guilty about cheating!
Don't believe me? Check out this promotional video for CheatNeutral!
Did I get your attention? Good. My good friend Marianne, a scientist in sustainable development, sent me this site. I have to agree with their position on carbon offseting.
It just doesn't make any sense. And you can't offset common-sense, can you?